Saturday, May 15, 2010

Are You Smarter Than A Preschooler?

Apparently I'm not!!! A few weeks ago Dallen saw a table that had five sides.

He counted, "One, two, three, four,'s a pentagon, Mom!"

"Hmmm...I actually think it's a hexagon. A pentagon has six sides."

"No, Mom. It's a pentagon."

So I ask, "Where did you learn about pentagons anyways?"

"Blues Clues."

Come to find out HE was right and I was mixed up. Nothing like being shown up by a five-year-old!

PS - Thanks Blues Clues!


Grandmama and Gramps said...

so humbling to be taught by your 5 yr old ;)

Jenn said...

That's why we have them watch those shows, right?
Cute story!