Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bath Toys

I LOVE a good, hot bath. Anytime, really, but especially when I'm pregnant. Even when I'm not big and huge yet it seems to help relax my body and even helps with my morning sickness. When I was pregnant with Duncan there was a night that I was prepping my bath (still dressed, fyi) and I was using the boys toy boat to mix the water. Dallen walked in, assessed the situation with a curious look on his face and asked, "Mommy, do you want to play with some of my other bath toys, too?"

Fast forward to this pregnancy. Last week I was again prepping my bath, using the boat to mix the water when Dawsen walked in. He gave the same perplexed look as Dallen had, but asked, "Are you playing with my boat? You didn't ask!"

Yes, my boys, I play with all your toys when I'm in the privacy of the bathroom. Little did you know... NOT! :)

Loving these boys...


Alicen said...

Hilarious, Crystal. I love that you document these funny things. I've got to do better! How are you feeling?

Grandmama and Gramps said...

That is soooo funny! Love those boys...and you guys :)