Monday, October 27, 2008

The Power of God

A few months ago Dallen asked me if he could use the broom so he could be God. Again...the confused face and a few, "What?" 's. I scanned my brain through every movie and church conversation WE've had with him, then imagined what in the world his nursery leaders might have said that could be twisted into it. Nothing. So I went along with the plan. Give him the broom and watch him play. It only took a couple minutes until he struck his staff in the ground and said, "By the power of God, LET MY PEOPLE GO!!!" OH!! Moses! Okay...we have the Prince of Egypt movie...must be that. It was followed by, "By the power of God!" again striking the ground and then sound effects and hand movements showing the parting of the seas. Yup. Moses. Problem solved. Well, after explaining that he needs to tell me that he wants to be a PROPHET of God and not GOD himself.

Loving these boys.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

This blog is such a cute idea. And I love reading the sweet stories about your kids!

Thanks for being inspirational!