Sunday, April 12, 2009

Talk a lot, talk a little more...

Dawsen is CONSTANTLY chatting. And it's not just chatter noise anymore, he's really saying things and in an amazingly clear way, although sometimes I feel like we're playing Mad Gab (good thing I'm the Mad Gab champ!). He surprises us everyday with the new phrases he picks up.

Last week Dawsen was sitting on my lap at the computer when Dallen started getting a little crazy. It started with slowly sliding himself off the back of the couch and progressed into a drop, then a little jump off the back. I told him to knock it off a couple times and then Dawsen chimed in with, "Dowen! Coo wit! Dass nuff! Dop it!" Hmmm...he must hear these things a lot!

Loving these boys...

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