Monday, June 15, 2009

I Wish!

Dallen loves to read his scripture stories to Dawsen. I'm constantly amazed by both how much he's picking up on and also how messed up and mushed together the stories occasionally get. i.e....

Dallen once told Dawsen about Abinadi and how when the bad guys burned him he died and then was resurrected three days later. Hmmmm....close...kind of.

Last week Dallen was telling Dawsen about Adam and Eve. They lived in a really pretty place and they could eat anything they wanted to eat except the fruit off of one tree. The place was called the Garden of Eating. I think if that's the case, I wouldn't mind spending a few days on holiday in the garden! Sounds nice, right?!

Loving these boys.

1 comment:

Grandmama and Gramps said...

Thanks for sharing these stories, they make me laugh and smile!