Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Early Bird

This one isn't really that funny, but it makes me smile. Ever since we took the front of Dawsen's crib off he can get himself out of bed. He's pretty excited about his newfound freedom and has been getting up earlier and earlier each day. He'll come in our room , sucking on his blanket, and stand next to the bed staring at me until I open my eyes. I can A) get up with him, or B) pull him up into the bed with me so I can sleep a few more minutes. The only way Dallen would ever hold still for me to sleep longer was if I'd turn the TV on really quietly. Dawsen is totally opposite. He'll lay there, sucking on his blanket, completely still and quiet for a half hour to an hour! The part that makes me smile is that he'll lay there like that, but staring at me the whole time, waiting for some sign of me being ready to wake up. If I shift my position or anything he'll go up on one elbow like, "Is it going to happen? Is it time?" He'll wait for a minute and then lay down again to patiently wait some more. As cute as it is, we are hoping that the newness of setting himself free in the morning will wear off and he'll decide it's fun to sleep in. Or does that not happen until he's a teen?

Loving these boys.


Alicen said...

That is too cute! Tessa just stands there..."wake up mama, wake up mama". Maybe we could get them together and he could demonstrate the act of just laying there quietly. What a cutie!

Alicen said...

p.s. so I stole your phrase "loving these boys" and wrote "loving these girls" on my last post. Hope you don't mind. I just totally relate to the sentiment.