Saturday, November 8, 2008

Welcome Home...

Terron and I were in Arizona most of the week--withOUT the boys. Yesterday started out a bit crazy back at our house in the usual routine. At one point Terron was doing homework and I was reading on the couch while the boys played trains. Apparently Dawsen decided he wanted to read too. He got the music book off my piano and plopped himself down on the floor to "read" it. And did I mention it was upside down? Surprisingly he lasted a few minutes before losing interest. Of course when I pulled out the camera he noticed and said "cheese!" ruining the whole thing, but it was still super cute.
And then I noticed that my cell phone was missing. I asked Dallen if he knew where it was and he turned his bottom towards me to show me that it was in HIS back pocket (which is where I keep it on myself). Funny boy.

Loving these boys.


Alicen said...

I love when they imitate us, especially in the make-up department. ;) You make me want a little boy soooo bad!

Shelly said...

That is too cute. Kylee got so use to taking my cell phone that she 'accidently' took it to school with her last week. I thought it was funny, she was scared to death that she was in trouble!!

You have a little mozart on your hands. If he enjoys looking at music already, he should be easy to teach.

Speaking of paino, I think we're ready to go again, Rylan has been cleared by his doctor!!

Grandmama and Gramps said...

they are soooo cute. I miss having them here!